Tuesday, October 28, 2014

President Obama, Ratings Are Dropping. Why?

by Sean Kelly

President Obama's rating are in the mud. That's pretty  much a givin considering the response he gets from the "Republicans" in both houses. He's been in an uphill battle ever since he took office in 2009.

The noise that comes from both houses of the Congress is brought on by Republicans beating the biggest drums and blowing on the horns the loudest to drown out their total lack of government participation. They appear to want to see our country , the United States of America, crash and burn before pitching in and working with 'That Man;' President Obama.

It's very easy to point fingers and pass the blame when things don't go the way people think they should be going.

HORRIBLE: President Obama Blames Racism for His Low Approval Ratings
Charles Payne Interview on Fox News Cavuto 1/20/2014 - Sarah Palin on Her Facebook Page: Happy MLK, Jr. Day! 'I have a dream that my four little children w...

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Most Hated Government By Its Own People? The Winner Is...
'Europeans went in May to the polls to vote for their representatives to the European Parliament. The results were surprising, as parties in the far right and skeptics of the European Union...

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The Real Obama - Son Of Satan!
The Rev. James D. Manning is an expert on Barack H. Obama, a.k.a. Barry Soetoro, and said long before he was elected that there was something wrong with him....

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Racial bias, AKA 'Bigotry' is a term that is avoided at all cost in our country. However, the closed minded few have come up with a cleaver way of getting around those words. 'That Man' is considered okay. That's the GOP's public face.

It's unfortunate, but our country is fast becoming the punch line is some really dumb sounding jokes. Some countries are giving a raised eye brow when the USA is mentioned.

President Obama, 'That Man,' is the president of our great country, and in spite of all the petty, narrow minded bigots, he has done a great job.

The GOP refuses point the finger of blame at them self's for not doing anything  but they don't hesitate for a second blame President Obama for their short-comings!

Misdirecting the blame. The Republican party is very good at that.

A Proud Irish American
Sean Kelly

Saturday, October 25, 2014

US Congress Race - Michigan Candidates

I sort of follow the Michigan Senate Race because I actually live in Michigan. Al-tho, the way things are going with the US Congress, it's really not a big bragging point. The 'NERD' governor Synder is heavy into dancing with the big money politicians and had the nerve to sell out Detroit. Now, Terry Lynn Land wants to trash 'ACA', also known as Obama Care. I do not get her reasoning on that line of thought; perhaps it's just a case of 'It's the Republican Thing To Do,'  or maybe she just likes dancing with FAT CATS.
On the other side of the political fence we have Mr. Gary Peters. I personally thing he stands head and shoulders above Ms. Lands when it comes to looking out for the people of Michigan. He's going to have a rough road to go down considering the 'Do Nothing Republicans' he's up against; but I think he'll do ok.
Caddell: GOP needs a national narrative to win Senate races
Political Insiders discuss Michigan Senate race, strategy needed to win midterms.

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Ballot Bash: U.S. Senate candidate Terri Lynn Land interviewed by MLive Media Group Editorial Board
Republican Secretary of State Terri Lynn Land was interviewed on October 6, 2014 by John Hiner, MLive Media Group vice president of content, during Ballot Ba...

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False And Misleading Claims Rock Michigan Race Between Gary Peters, Terri ... - Huffington Post
http://news.google.com Tue, 21 Oct 2014 19:32:12 GMT
False And Misleading Claims Rock Michigan Race Between Gary Peters, Terri ...Huffington PostThe Michigan Senate race pits Democratic Rep. Gary Peters against Republican Terri Lynn Land, a former Michigan secretary of state, to replace the retiring Se ...
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Nathan K Hardenburg
Sat Oct 25 12:18:58 +0000 2014
RT @Newsmax_Media: GOP's Pullout in Michigan Senate Race Still Puzzling http://t.co/3TJNrvv02f
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Sharon Prewett
Fri Oct 24 18:52:46 +0000 2014
RT @GrooveSDC: Democrat Gary Peters is pulling way ahead in Michigan's vital Senate race http://t.co/p01YJwCuJP via @TheWeek
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FactChecking the Michigan Senate Race - FactCheck.org
http://news.google.com Tue, 21 Oct 2014 17:27:48 GMT
Roll CallFactChecking the Michigan Senate RaceFactCheck.orgThe Michigan Senate race pits Democratic Rep. Gary Peters against Republican Terri Lynn Land, a former Michigan secretary of state, to replace the retiring Sen. Carl Levin. The two candidates ...
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It's tough to sort out the facts from the rants from candidates and the Michigan race, that comes to a head in a little over a week, is no different then the rest of the country. One will promice one thing and the other will swear by another.

An example that sticks with me is the promise that Ms. Land spouted in a TV commercial a couple of days ago. She will 'REPEAL' Obama Care!  I put this to Ms. land. Replace It With What?
Do not sit on your hands on November 4th. Get out and vote!

Friday, October 24, 2014

The Close Kentucky Race Of 2014

The Kentucky senate race is going to be a close one. I'm a bit biased towards Alison Lunder Grimes because she does know what the 'Lower' and 'Middle' class people need and want. Mitch McConnell, on the other hand, appears to have the coal industry leaders, more than the workers, at the front of his line. Alison is in touch with the common folk of Kentucky. Unfortunately, Mitch can't make that claim. Mitch has been in office far to long and the reality of what is going on in Kentucky has slid past him.

TURDLE mcconnell vs HUMAN Grimes Kentucky Senate Race - August 5, 2014
A look at Creepy old Kook Mitch McConnell in a heated Kentucky Senate race against Democrat Alison Lunder Grimes. If normal patriotic Americans show up at...

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Are Democrats ditching Grimes in Kentucky Senate race?
Tyler Harber and Chuck Rocha debate whether McConnell is gaining momentum.

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Kentucky now has the most interesting Senate race in the country - Washington Post (blog)

http://news.google.com Thu, 23 Oct 2014 17:00:31 GMT
International Business Times Kentucky now has the most interesting Senate race in the countryWashington Post (blog)One week after going off the television airwaves in Kentucky, the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee is now back up with ads in th ...
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Kentucky's U.S. Senate race: Coverage roundup: good ...
http://kysenate.blogspot.com/ Tue, 14 Oct 2014 10:47:00 -0700
Tuesday, October 14, 2014 ... 'McConnell, 72, has been the narrow favorite in the race, and Monday's debate did not appear to dramatically change that reality,' writes Susan Davis of USA Today. Emily Schultheis of National Journal writes of ...
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I personally favor Alison; but then I would because I'm more Democrat then that 'Other Party.'  Also, I heard Mitch McConnell make a public statement about President Obama, when he first came into office, while on the floor that rang with all the wrong sounds.  'Paraphrased' We have to git rid of 'That Person' that's in charge of our country. He didn't say 'the President' but 'That Person' was referenced as the President.  There is a term for that sort of talk but I won't get into that.