Tuesday, October 28, 2014

President Obama, Ratings Are Dropping. Why?

by Sean Kelly

President Obama's rating are in the mud. That's pretty  much a givin considering the response he gets from the "Republicans" in both houses. He's been in an uphill battle ever since he took office in 2009.

The noise that comes from both houses of the Congress is brought on by Republicans beating the biggest drums and blowing on the horns the loudest to drown out their total lack of government participation. They appear to want to see our country , the United States of America, crash and burn before pitching in and working with 'That Man;' President Obama.

It's very easy to point fingers and pass the blame when things don't go the way people think they should be going.

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Racial bias, AKA 'Bigotry' is a term that is avoided at all cost in our country. However, the closed minded few have come up with a cleaver way of getting around those words. 'That Man' is considered okay. That's the GOP's public face.

It's unfortunate, but our country is fast becoming the punch line is some really dumb sounding jokes. Some countries are giving a raised eye brow when the USA is mentioned.

President Obama, 'That Man,' is the president of our great country, and in spite of all the petty, narrow minded bigots, he has done a great job.

The GOP refuses point the finger of blame at them self's for not doing anything  but they don't hesitate for a second blame President Obama for their short-comings!

Misdirecting the blame. The Republican party is very good at that.

A Proud Irish American
Sean Kelly

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