Thursday, November 13, 2014

The Keystone XL. What the HELL Are They Thinking

From the desk of Sean Kelly
Building the Keystone XL pipeline across our country is taking on the smell of a done deal for the Republicans. It makes no difference at all that the oil is extemely dirty, and probably quite toxic. The theory being pumped by the GOP, and a few southern Democrats, is that this project will be a great asset for our country.

Well, maybe, but I seriously doubt it. There will be a few tempory jobs; not the mass that Senator Mitch McConnell would like everyone to believe. When the Keystone XL project is completed there will probably be around 100 or so permanent jobs; that doesn't sound like thousands of jobs.

Everything You Need to Know About Keystone XL
Jan. 31 (Bloomberg) -- The State Department's final environmental assessment of the Keystone pipeline from the Canadian tar sands to the U.S. Gulf Coast is c...

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The MidTerms Were all About the Keystone Pipeline
The midterm elections were all about the Keystone Pipeline, thanks to the Koch Brothers.

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Rival Louisiana Lawmakers Push Keystone Pipeline Bills - Wall Street Journal Thu, 13 Nov 2014 14:46:48 GMT
Wall Street JournalRival Louisiana Lawmakers Push Keystone Pipeline BillsWall Street JournalThe Keystone XL pipeline, which would deliver Canadian oil to the Gulf Coast, has faced delays and has become a political flash point in the nation's debate o ...
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Daniel John Sobieski
Fri Nov 14 00:33:46 +0000 2014
@JstnCase618 10 - (IBD) Dems Cynical #KeystoneXL Pipeline Ploy 2 Save @MaryLandrieu -
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Kim - the HokieBrat

Fri Nov 14 00:33:26 +0000 2014
RT @LeftCoastLarry: Keystone XL pipeline vote on Tuesday. Tell your Senators to vote NO on this climate-wrecking pipeline.
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Keystone Pipeline Approval Bills Advance in Congress ... Thu, 13 Nov 2014 02:26:37 -0800
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Legislation to approve the controversial Keystone XL oil pipeline began racing through the U.S. Congress on Wednesday as Democrats and Republicans appeared to be coming together in a ...
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White House: 'Dim view' of Keystone pipeline plan - CNN Thu, 13 Nov 2014 13:25:38 GMT
CNNWhite House: 'Dim view' of Keystone pipeline planCNNWashington (CNN) -- As the House prepares to debate Thursday another bill to authorize the Keystone XL pipeline, White House Press Secretary Josh Earnest said the administration's position on the ...
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I fail to see what the mind set is for officials like Governor Jindal or the congress person Mary Landrieu. The dirty oil in the Keystone XL pipes will slide over their plates and give an appearance of not being able to wait for the slimy stuff to bath in.

A Proud Irish American
Sean Kelly

The GOP Has Grabbed Control Of Congress - What's Next?

By Sean Kelly

The Republicans will have control of both houses of the US congress in January. There are some rumors that the GOP has full intentions of turning our country around and point it in the right direction. Unfortunately, their sense of what is the "Right Direct" is a bit off.

They still have to deal with "That Man" in the president's office. If "That Man" was still a senator from Illinois they wouldn't give him a passing thought. However, he is their president and he's like an itch they can't scratch.

10 Things to Expect Next Year now that the Republicans have won the Senate
2014 Leigha Cohen Video Production http://www.leighacohenvideo... Well it was a wave election and now we seeing red. I did this ...

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Thu Nov 13 17:47:02 +0000 2014
'It’s funny, if you ask a Republican in Congress if they believe in climate change, they say, well, uh,...'
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Wed Nov 12 16:46:09 +0000 2014
Newly minted Republican congress is already blaming Obama for its total ineptitude
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GOP wins Senate control, boosting energy shares - Christian Science Monitor Wed, 05 Nov 2014 18:51:43 GMT
Christian Science Monitor GOP wins Senate control, boosting energy shares Christian Science Monitor While the Republican Party won't assume its Senate majority until January, U.S. stock investors are already betting the new congressional makeup could le ...
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Bigotry is like an infectious disease that can eat into a person's soul. President Obama has accomplished quite a few good things for our county. He's main problem is the crowd of "Bigots" that refuse to support anything he has put forth to put our country on top.

The United States Of America has been through a lot of hard time over the year. But, in spite of the GOP, I think we still stand a chance of  coming out on top as a great nation.

A Proud Irish-American
Sean Kelly

Saturday, November 1, 2014

Who Will Control The US Congress 2014?

Guest Post By:  Sean Kelly

The control of the US Senate is up for grabs, again; that also goes for the House of representatives. The GOP has the house and the  dems hold the senate. Here's the problem as it stands today. The GOP holds tight on flipping off the dems. Things may change in a few days when the mid-term elections slide into history.

What doesn't seem to hold any longer is/was an elected official was supposed to represent the people and not the party. It's gotten so that if you do not have a 3rd eye in the middle of your forehead than you can't be a trusted Republican.

The Republicans have been raising hell for some time by refusing to deal with President Obama and the US Senate. shame on them. If the Republicans get control of the US Senate; SHAME ON US!

Control of the Senate Coming Down to the Wire
In just a little more than a week, all of the ballots counted in the 2014 midterm elections and a number of polls show the battle for control of the U.S. Sen...

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Senator Lindsey Graham predicts GOP will control U.S. Senate
On the campaign trail, Senator Graham give supporter his predictions of the U.S. Senate races results on election day.

Read more ... Tue, 28 Oct 2014 15:29:35 GMT
Newsweek We May Not Know Who Won the Senate Until 2015NewsweekOn November 4, voters across the country will decide which party will control the U.S. Senate—or maybe they won't. Whether the Senate will switch from Democratic to Republican control may b ...
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Alcibiades   Sat Nov 01 14:00:32 +0000 2014

U.S. Senate control could be mixed blessing for Republican 2016 hopefuls - U.S. Senate control could be...
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Charlotte CP   Sat Nov 01 11:09:09 +0000 2014
10 tight races to determine control of Senate: The GOP will retain control of the U.S. House but the Senate is up…
Read more ... - Hail Mary - Obama to Pull Out War on Women Rhetoric in Last Ditch Effort Before ... 9h ago
In last month's AP-GfK poll, 47 percent of female likely voters said they favored a Democratic-controlled Congress while 40 percent wanted the Republicans to capture control.
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This should be obvious but here goes again.
A Proud Irish American.