Thursday, November 13, 2014

The GOP Has Grabbed Control Of Congress - What's Next?

By Sean Kelly

The Republicans will have control of both houses of the US congress in January. There are some rumors that the GOP has full intentions of turning our country around and point it in the right direction. Unfortunately, their sense of what is the "Right Direct" is a bit off.

They still have to deal with "That Man" in the president's office. If "That Man" was still a senator from Illinois they wouldn't give him a passing thought. However, he is their president and he's like an itch they can't scratch.

10 Things to Expect Next Year now that the Republicans have won the Senate
2014 Leigha Cohen Video Production http://www.leighacohenvideo... Well it was a wave election and now we seeing red. I did this ...

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Thu Nov 13 17:47:02 +0000 2014
'It’s funny, if you ask a Republican in Congress if they believe in climate change, they say, well, uh,...'
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Wed Nov 12 16:46:09 +0000 2014
Newly minted Republican congress is already blaming Obama for its total ineptitude
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GOP wins Senate control, boosting energy shares - Christian Science Monitor Wed, 05 Nov 2014 18:51:43 GMT
Christian Science Monitor GOP wins Senate control, boosting energy shares Christian Science Monitor While the Republican Party won't assume its Senate majority until January, U.S. stock investors are already betting the new congressional makeup could le ...
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Bigotry is like an infectious disease that can eat into a person's soul. President Obama has accomplished quite a few good things for our county. He's main problem is the crowd of "Bigots" that refuse to support anything he has put forth to put our country on top.

The United States Of America has been through a lot of hard time over the year. But, in spite of the GOP, I think we still stand a chance of  coming out on top as a great nation.

A Proud Irish-American
Sean Kelly

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