Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Congressional Deal Aimed at Avoiding Government Shutdown. Some Deal.

From the desk of Sean Kelly

It doesn't take a real genius to see that the GOP is sleeping with big money. The republican congress appears to have a deal in the works that favor money and to hell with the common person.

This was quite obvious before the Mid-Term elections but evidently it didn't sink in to the voters.

Before the mid-terms the GOP was causing all sorts of havoc; Shame On Them. Now, the GOP has control of both houses; Shame on us!


Congressional Deal Aimed at Avoiding Shutdown Includes Victory for Big Banks
Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, a Democrat from Nevada, said earlier today that if the House included the District of Columbia marijuana provision in the bill, “it's going to be hard to take it out over here. But I oppose it.” Photographer: Andrew Harrer/

Congressional Deal Aimed at Avoiding Government Shutdown. Okay. But at what price? I do hope that the people wake up in 2016 and see what is happening in our country.

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