Friday, December 5, 2014


Fron the Desk Of: Sean Kelly

A Must Watch Video: MICHAEL BROWN, THUG of Ferguson MO. Maybe? Probably Not!

The video on the left below is about one person's view on the shooting of Michael Brown. It covers the incident in a fairly unbiased way that is not in step with the mass media's coverage.

The mass media of our country is airing videos with definitely biased commentary on the bigoted cop that likes to shoot innocent black kids. The media is way off center on that sort of  of a mind set.

The networks videos are all heavily biased against the shooter. How dare that cop shoot such an innocent person only because he is black.

I don't think the mass media actually think that way but they are looking for fuel to throw on an already dangerous situation to keep their network up front.


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Return of the Ferguson War Zone? Missouri Enacts State of Emergency Ahead of Mike Brown Grand Jury
Missouri Gov. Jay Nixon has declared a state of emergency in advance of the grand jury's pending decision in the Michael Brown shoo...

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What's never seen in the main stream media are deadly shootings of white people shot by cops of color; as pointed out in the video on the right.

This sort of made me stop and take a second look at what seems to happen on a regular basis. I've seen hatred pushed in many ways over the years but this one escaped me; until now.

I don't believe that the cop is/was a bigot. It appears more like inexperience and plain panic.

The killing is really inexcusable. However, what is even worse is the media fueling this situation so they can have a constant source of copy to broadcast.

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