Sunday, December 21, 2014

Instagram exposes your privacy

 From the desk of Sean Kelly
An Instagram exposes your privacy when the police get involved.

It seems that privacy, as we knew it, has changed. Judge says police can create fake Instagram accounts to see photos.

Do you know anyone who is fake and has an inferiority complex? If you liked this video, tell me and I'll make more! I have lots to talk about :) My new instagram...

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Instagram on Android
Many would argue that cops cross the line when theyimpersonate people on social networks to catch suspects, but that doesn't mean that fake accounts are always off the table. In a recent opinion, New Jersey district judge William Martini contends that police don't need search warrants to create bogus Instagram accounts for the sake of seeing a suspect's photos. As Martini explains, it's 'consensual sharing' -- the perpetrator is both making these pictures public and willingly providing access to others. That's bad news for Daniel Gatson, an alleged burglar who insisted that law enforcement needed probable cause (that is, reasonable belief that there's evidence of a crime) to peek at an Instagram feed laden with shots of cash and jewelery.  Read More...
Instagram Blog
Instagram is a fast, beautiful and fun way to share your life with friends through a series of...
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Just kind of keep in mind that what you see so can prying eyes. An instagram ssearch is done everyday by thousands of surfers.  A Judge says police can create fake Instagram accounts to see photos. Santa checks his list twice. Well now the law can use instagram hashtags to find you.

Saturday, December 13, 2014

PTSD - Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. Treatment For Veterans

PTSD, Post Traumatic stress disorder, is not new to the vets. PTSD has been called a lot of things in the past. Every war the United States was involved in had it's own term.
  • Shell Shock
  • Combat Fatigue
  • Combat Disorder
  • Battle Fatigue
  • Combat neurosis
The list could go on but for now this should give you a fair idea of what a veteran is up against. There are all sorts of theories on how to recognize PTSD Symptoms and how it should be treated. However, the National Center for PTSD requires a lot of money that seems to be short of thanks to some members of the current GOP Congress.

American soldiers and veterans diagnosed with Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder are often given a duffle bag of drugs, from antidepressants like Zoloft and Paxil to any number of highly addictive opioids. Doctors who work with these soldiers in Veterans Affairs clinics are encouraged to prescribe such medications, and any thought of prescribing alternative medicine that has not been approved by the Food and Drug Administration is generally forbidden.

But some doctors break the chain. Sue Sisley is a psychiatrist who's worked with veterans for 20 years. While she has never smoked marijuana herself, she's heard how it can work from some of her patients who use it on their own to treat PTSD. "Nobody is claiming it's a cure, but they report they have been successfully managing their symptoms," she says. Sisley was set to begin studying the benefits of using medical marijuana to treat symptoms of PTSD at the University of Arizona – until she was fired in July, which she suspects happened for political reasons.

Sisley has now been nominated for a $2 million grant by Colorado's Medical Marijuana Scientific Advisory Council to fund her triple-blind study into how marijuana can help treat PTSD. (The Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment's health board will approve or deny the grant on December 17th.) Sisley hopes to treat half of the 76 veterans participating in the study in Arizona, as well as cooperating with doctors at Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore for the other half. "Johns Hopkins has a long history of doing high quality marijuana research," she says. Even so, the university has thus far only looked at possible harms of marijuana, because that's the only thing the government wanted to hear about.
One obstacle the study still faces is getting government-approved research marijuana.

According to Sisley, the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA), which provides research marijuana, won't have enough until April or May 2015. They've known about the study since 2011, and it definitely doesn't take that long to grow weed, so the veterans she knows worry that the government is stalling.
...via PTSD and Pot: The Fight to Get Veterans Some Weed -

PTSD - Post Traumatic Stress Disorder is taking it's toll on vets and needs to be dealt with ASAP. Putting off the necessary help just because congress is tightening up the purse strings is not acceptable..

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Harsh CIA Torture Tactics Do Not Work

The harsh torture tactics that the CIA  used to try and get information from the 911 attack prisoners at GITMO have proven time and time again to not work. The information they gathered was/is actually unreliable at best.

The pressure and abject hatred for the detainees is understandable. In their eyes (the CIA) the prisoners were responsible for thousands of innocent people dying. That doesn't excuse their actions, but it is understandable.

Senate report: Harsh CIA tactics didn't work - Spokesman ... Tue, 09 Dec 2014 09:41:50 -0800

WASHINGTON — In a damning indictment of CIA practices, Senate investigators on Tuesday accused the spy agency of inflicting pain and suffering on al-Qaida prisoners far beyond America's legal boundaries and then deceiving the ... on Zubaydah and two other detainees, the report emphasizes, was far different from anything the U.S. military does in training and more brutal than the careful procedures laid out in Justice Department memos authorizing the tactic.

In a damning indictment of CIA practices, Senate investigators on Tuesday accused the spy agency of inflicting pain and suffering on al-Qaida prisoners far beyond America’s legal boundaries and then deceiving the nation with narratives of life-saving interrogations unsubstantiated by its own records.

The Senate Intelligence Committee released a mountain of evidence from CIA files suggesting the treatment of detainees in secret prisons a decade ago was worse than the government described to Congress or the public. It was the first official public accounting after years of debate about the CIA’s brutal handling of prisoners.
At the White House, President Barack Obama declared the practices, used on detainees after the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks, to be “contrary to our values.” He pledged, “I will continue to use my authority as president to make sure we never resort to those methods again.”
The report doesn’t call the tactics torture. But committee chairman Dianne Feinstein, commanding the Senate floor for an extended address, declared that “under any common meaning of the term, CIA detainees were tortured.”
Besides the now-well-known practice of waterboarding, tactics included weeks of sleep deprivation, slapping and slamming of detainees against walls, confining them to small boxes, keeping them isolated for prolonged periods and threatening them with death.
Harsh CIA Torture Tactics Do Not Work now nor will they work in the future.I think that the CIA is probably redirecting their mind set toward the backwards thought patterns of al-Qaida and now ISIS.

Congressional Deal Aimed at Avoiding Government Shutdown. Some Deal.

From the desk of Sean Kelly

It doesn't take a real genius to see that the GOP is sleeping with big money. The republican congress appears to have a deal in the works that favor money and to hell with the common person.

This was quite obvious before the Mid-Term elections but evidently it didn't sink in to the voters.

Before the mid-terms the GOP was causing all sorts of havoc; Shame On Them. Now, the GOP has control of both houses; Shame on us!


Congressional Deal Aimed at Avoiding Shutdown Includes Victory for Big Banks
Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, a Democrat from Nevada, said earlier today that if the House included the District of Columbia marijuana provision in the bill, “it's going to be hard to take it out over here. But I oppose it.” Photographer: Andrew Harrer/

Congressional Deal Aimed at Avoiding Government Shutdown. Okay. But at what price? I do hope that the people wake up in 2016 and see what is happening in our country.

Gruber's 'Glib' Obamacare Remarks

Gruber admitted to his screw-up.That's something you don't see all that often in this day and time of politics. He's not claiming to be a politician but an expert in his field and didn't actually realize the boner he made with his off the cuff statements about the "Affordable Care Act" , AKA "Obama Care".

Obamacare consultant Jonathan Gruber is at the mike Tuesday, testifying in front of the House Oversight Committee, answering for a series of what he calls "glib, thoughtless and sometimes downright insulting comments" he made concerning the health-care law.
The most recent and well-publicized of these are when Gruber was shown on tape saying the Affordable Care Act gamed the system in order to obtain passage and relied on the "stupidity of the American voter" and a "lack of transparency" to earn approval.

The comments have recast (somewhat) the debate over Obamacare, as Republicans continue to try and undercut and/or get rid of the law, five years after its passage.
Gruber's opening statement to the committee includes plenty of apologizing and explaining.

Here it is, word for word, along with what he really meant:Read The Rest Of The Soory about "Gruber's 'Glib' Obamacare Remarks Will Keep Haunting Democrats"

Read The Rest Of The Story about "Gruber's 'Glib' Obamacare Remarks Will Keep Haunting Democrats"

Saturday, December 6, 2014

Mary Landrieu trys Again

From The Desk Of : Sean Kelly
Mary Landrieu seems to have a prolem with the Democratic party which she claims is how she is registered. That happens sometimes. Here in Michigan we had a democratic congressman switch over to the GOP in midstream; not really smart but it does happen.
I do not know if her plans include switching over to the GOP but she makes all the sounds of a Republican. We'll have to wait and see I guess.
Mary Landrieu Continues Struggling to Defend Campaign Charter Flights on Taxpayer Dime
Mary Landrieu Continues Struggling to Defend Campaign Charter Flights on Taxpayer Dime (December 2, 2014)

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Cassidy crushing Landrieu by 24 points - Washington ...
Wed, 03 Dec 2014 16:21:28 -0800
Cassidy crushing Landrieu by 24 points. By David M. Drucker | December 4, 2014 | 5:00 am. Photo - Republican Rep. Bill Cassidy's victory over Democratic Sen. Mary Landrieu would bring Republican Rep. Bill Cassidy's victory over ...
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Landrieu battles stiff headwinds ahead of weekend's Senate runoff - Fox News
Sat, 06 Dec 2014 12:16:36 GMT
New York TimesLandrieu battles stiff headwinds ahead of weekend's Senate runoffFox NewsNEW ORLEANS – If Mary Landrieu loses the runoff election for the U.S. Senate in Louisiana this weekend, it won't be for lack of trying. The three-term Democratic s ...
Read more ... 12/06/2014 9:05
Does Mary Landrieu have a prayer in today's Louisiana Senate runoff? It  may be all she has. Live, from Grambling:

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Mary Landrieu does have some off beat thoughts on some things; like the XL pipeline for instance.

Friday, December 5, 2014


Fron the Desk Of: Sean Kelly

A Must Watch Video: MICHAEL BROWN, THUG of Ferguson MO. Maybe? Probably Not!

The video on the left below is about one person's view on the shooting of Michael Brown. It covers the incident in a fairly unbiased way that is not in step with the mass media's coverage.

The mass media of our country is airing videos with definitely biased commentary on the bigoted cop that likes to shoot innocent black kids. The media is way off center on that sort of  of a mind set.

The networks videos are all heavily biased against the shooter. How dare that cop shoot such an innocent person only because he is black.

I don't think the mass media actually think that way but they are looking for fuel to throw on an already dangerous situation to keep their network up front.


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Return of the Ferguson War Zone? Missouri Enacts State of Emergency Ahead of Mike Brown Grand Jury
Missouri Gov. Jay Nixon has declared a state of emergency in advance of the grand jury's pending decision in the Michael Brown shoo...

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What's never seen in the main stream media are deadly shootings of white people shot by cops of color; as pointed out in the video on the right.

This sort of made me stop and take a second look at what seems to happen on a regular basis. I've seen hatred pushed in many ways over the years but this one escaped me; until now.

I don't believe that the cop is/was a bigot. It appears more like inexperience and plain panic.

The killing is really inexcusable. However, what is even worse is the media fueling this situation so they can have a constant source of copy to broadcast.

Thursday, November 13, 2014

The Keystone XL. What the HELL Are They Thinking

From the desk of Sean Kelly
Building the Keystone XL pipeline across our country is taking on the smell of a done deal for the Republicans. It makes no difference at all that the oil is extemely dirty, and probably quite toxic. The theory being pumped by the GOP, and a few southern Democrats, is that this project will be a great asset for our country.

Well, maybe, but I seriously doubt it. There will be a few tempory jobs; not the mass that Senator Mitch McConnell would like everyone to believe. When the Keystone XL project is completed there will probably be around 100 or so permanent jobs; that doesn't sound like thousands of jobs.

Everything You Need to Know About Keystone XL
Jan. 31 (Bloomberg) -- The State Department's final environmental assessment of the Keystone pipeline from the Canadian tar sands to the U.S. Gulf Coast is c...

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The MidTerms Were all About the Keystone Pipeline
The midterm elections were all about the Keystone Pipeline, thanks to the Koch Brothers.

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Rival Louisiana Lawmakers Push Keystone Pipeline Bills - Wall Street Journal Thu, 13 Nov 2014 14:46:48 GMT
Wall Street JournalRival Louisiana Lawmakers Push Keystone Pipeline BillsWall Street JournalThe Keystone XL pipeline, which would deliver Canadian oil to the Gulf Coast, has faced delays and has become a political flash point in the nation's debate o ...
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Daniel John Sobieski
Fri Nov 14 00:33:46 +0000 2014
@JstnCase618 10 - (IBD) Dems Cynical #KeystoneXL Pipeline Ploy 2 Save @MaryLandrieu -
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Kim - the HokieBrat

Fri Nov 14 00:33:26 +0000 2014
RT @LeftCoastLarry: Keystone XL pipeline vote on Tuesday. Tell your Senators to vote NO on this climate-wrecking pipeline.
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Keystone Pipeline Approval Bills Advance in Congress ... Thu, 13 Nov 2014 02:26:37 -0800
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Legislation to approve the controversial Keystone XL oil pipeline began racing through the U.S. Congress on Wednesday as Democrats and Republicans appeared to be coming together in a ...
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White House: 'Dim view' of Keystone pipeline plan - CNN Thu, 13 Nov 2014 13:25:38 GMT
CNNWhite House: 'Dim view' of Keystone pipeline planCNNWashington (CNN) -- As the House prepares to debate Thursday another bill to authorize the Keystone XL pipeline, White House Press Secretary Josh Earnest said the administration's position on the ...
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I fail to see what the mind set is for officials like Governor Jindal or the congress person Mary Landrieu. The dirty oil in the Keystone XL pipes will slide over their plates and give an appearance of not being able to wait for the slimy stuff to bath in.

A Proud Irish American
Sean Kelly

The GOP Has Grabbed Control Of Congress - What's Next?

By Sean Kelly

The Republicans will have control of both houses of the US congress in January. There are some rumors that the GOP has full intentions of turning our country around and point it in the right direction. Unfortunately, their sense of what is the "Right Direct" is a bit off.

They still have to deal with "That Man" in the president's office. If "That Man" was still a senator from Illinois they wouldn't give him a passing thought. However, he is their president and he's like an itch they can't scratch.

10 Things to Expect Next Year now that the Republicans have won the Senate
2014 Leigha Cohen Video Production http://www.leighacohenvideo... Well it was a wave election and now we seeing red. I did this ...

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Thu Nov 13 17:47:02 +0000 2014
'It’s funny, if you ask a Republican in Congress if they believe in climate change, they say, well, uh,...'
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Wed Nov 12 16:46:09 +0000 2014
Newly minted Republican congress is already blaming Obama for its total ineptitude
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GOP wins Senate control, boosting energy shares - Christian Science Monitor Wed, 05 Nov 2014 18:51:43 GMT
Christian Science Monitor GOP wins Senate control, boosting energy shares Christian Science Monitor While the Republican Party won't assume its Senate majority until January, U.S. stock investors are already betting the new congressional makeup could le ...
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Bigotry is like an infectious disease that can eat into a person's soul. President Obama has accomplished quite a few good things for our county. He's main problem is the crowd of "Bigots" that refuse to support anything he has put forth to put our country on top.

The United States Of America has been through a lot of hard time over the year. But, in spite of the GOP, I think we still stand a chance of  coming out on top as a great nation.

A Proud Irish-American
Sean Kelly

Saturday, November 1, 2014

Who Will Control The US Congress 2014?

Guest Post By:  Sean Kelly

The control of the US Senate is up for grabs, again; that also goes for the House of representatives. The GOP has the house and the  dems hold the senate. Here's the problem as it stands today. The GOP holds tight on flipping off the dems. Things may change in a few days when the mid-term elections slide into history.

What doesn't seem to hold any longer is/was an elected official was supposed to represent the people and not the party. It's gotten so that if you do not have a 3rd eye in the middle of your forehead than you can't be a trusted Republican.

The Republicans have been raising hell for some time by refusing to deal with President Obama and the US Senate. shame on them. If the Republicans get control of the US Senate; SHAME ON US!

Control of the Senate Coming Down to the Wire
In just a little more than a week, all of the ballots counted in the 2014 midterm elections and a number of polls show the battle for control of the U.S. Sen...

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Senator Lindsey Graham predicts GOP will control U.S. Senate
On the campaign trail, Senator Graham give supporter his predictions of the U.S. Senate races results on election day.

Read more ... Tue, 28 Oct 2014 15:29:35 GMT
Newsweek We May Not Know Who Won the Senate Until 2015NewsweekOn November 4, voters across the country will decide which party will control the U.S. Senate—or maybe they won't. Whether the Senate will switch from Democratic to Republican control may b ...
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Alcibiades   Sat Nov 01 14:00:32 +0000 2014

U.S. Senate control could be mixed blessing for Republican 2016 hopefuls - U.S. Senate control could be...
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Charlotte CP   Sat Nov 01 11:09:09 +0000 2014
10 tight races to determine control of Senate: The GOP will retain control of the U.S. House but the Senate is up…
Read more ... - Hail Mary - Obama to Pull Out War on Women Rhetoric in Last Ditch Effort Before ... 9h ago
In last month's AP-GfK poll, 47 percent of female likely voters said they favored a Democratic-controlled Congress while 40 percent wanted the Republicans to capture control.
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This should be obvious but here goes again.
A Proud Irish American.

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

President Obama, Ratings Are Dropping. Why?

by Sean Kelly

President Obama's rating are in the mud. That's pretty  much a givin considering the response he gets from the "Republicans" in both houses. He's been in an uphill battle ever since he took office in 2009.

The noise that comes from both houses of the Congress is brought on by Republicans beating the biggest drums and blowing on the horns the loudest to drown out their total lack of government participation. They appear to want to see our country , the United States of America, crash and burn before pitching in and working with 'That Man;' President Obama.

It's very easy to point fingers and pass the blame when things don't go the way people think they should be going.

HORRIBLE: President Obama Blames Racism for His Low Approval Ratings
Charles Payne Interview on Fox News Cavuto 1/20/2014 - Sarah Palin on Her Facebook Page: Happy MLK, Jr. Day! 'I have a dream that my four little children w...

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Most Hated Government By Its Own People? The Winner Is...
'Europeans went in May to the polls to vote for their representatives to the European Parliament. The results were surprising, as parties in the far right and skeptics of the European Union...

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The Real Obama - Son Of Satan!
The Rev. James D. Manning is an expert on Barack H. Obama, a.k.a. Barry Soetoro, and said long before he was elected that there was something wrong with him....

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Racial bias, AKA 'Bigotry' is a term that is avoided at all cost in our country. However, the closed minded few have come up with a cleaver way of getting around those words. 'That Man' is considered okay. That's the GOP's public face.

It's unfortunate, but our country is fast becoming the punch line is some really dumb sounding jokes. Some countries are giving a raised eye brow when the USA is mentioned.

President Obama, 'That Man,' is the president of our great country, and in spite of all the petty, narrow minded bigots, he has done a great job.

The GOP refuses point the finger of blame at them self's for not doing anything  but they don't hesitate for a second blame President Obama for their short-comings!

Misdirecting the blame. The Republican party is very good at that.

A Proud Irish American
Sean Kelly

Saturday, October 25, 2014

US Congress Race - Michigan Candidates

I sort of follow the Michigan Senate Race because I actually live in Michigan. Al-tho, the way things are going with the US Congress, it's really not a big bragging point. The 'NERD' governor Synder is heavy into dancing with the big money politicians and had the nerve to sell out Detroit. Now, Terry Lynn Land wants to trash 'ACA', also known as Obama Care. I do not get her reasoning on that line of thought; perhaps it's just a case of 'It's the Republican Thing To Do,'  or maybe she just likes dancing with FAT CATS.
On the other side of the political fence we have Mr. Gary Peters. I personally thing he stands head and shoulders above Ms. Lands when it comes to looking out for the people of Michigan. He's going to have a rough road to go down considering the 'Do Nothing Republicans' he's up against; but I think he'll do ok.
Caddell: GOP needs a national narrative to win Senate races
Political Insiders discuss Michigan Senate race, strategy needed to win midterms.

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Ballot Bash: U.S. Senate candidate Terri Lynn Land interviewed by MLive Media Group Editorial Board
Republican Secretary of State Terri Lynn Land was interviewed on October 6, 2014 by John Hiner, MLive Media Group vice president of content, during Ballot Ba...

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False And Misleading Claims Rock Michigan Race Between Gary Peters, Terri ... - Huffington Post Tue, 21 Oct 2014 19:32:12 GMT
False And Misleading Claims Rock Michigan Race Between Gary Peters, Terri ...Huffington PostThe Michigan Senate race pits Democratic Rep. Gary Peters against Republican Terri Lynn Land, a former Michigan secretary of state, to replace the retiring Se ...
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Nathan K Hardenburg
Sat Oct 25 12:18:58 +0000 2014
RT @Newsmax_Media: GOP's Pullout in Michigan Senate Race Still Puzzling
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Sharon Prewett
Fri Oct 24 18:52:46 +0000 2014
RT @GrooveSDC: Democrat Gary Peters is pulling way ahead in Michigan's vital Senate race via @TheWeek
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FactChecking the Michigan Senate Race - Tue, 21 Oct 2014 17:27:48 GMT
Roll CallFactChecking the Michigan Senate RaceFactCheck.orgThe Michigan Senate race pits Democratic Rep. Gary Peters against Republican Terri Lynn Land, a former Michigan secretary of state, to replace the retiring Sen. Carl Levin. The two candidates ...
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It's tough to sort out the facts from the rants from candidates and the Michigan race, that comes to a head in a little over a week, is no different then the rest of the country. One will promice one thing and the other will swear by another.

An example that sticks with me is the promise that Ms. Land spouted in a TV commercial a couple of days ago. She will 'REPEAL' Obama Care!  I put this to Ms. land. Replace It With What?
Do not sit on your hands on November 4th. Get out and vote!

Friday, October 24, 2014

The Close Kentucky Race Of 2014

The Kentucky senate race is going to be a close one. I'm a bit biased towards Alison Lunder Grimes because she does know what the 'Lower' and 'Middle' class people need and want. Mitch McConnell, on the other hand, appears to have the coal industry leaders, more than the workers, at the front of his line. Alison is in touch with the common folk of Kentucky. Unfortunately, Mitch can't make that claim. Mitch has been in office far to long and the reality of what is going on in Kentucky has slid past him.

TURDLE mcconnell vs HUMAN Grimes Kentucky Senate Race - August 5, 2014
A look at Creepy old Kook Mitch McConnell in a heated Kentucky Senate race against Democrat Alison Lunder Grimes. If normal patriotic Americans show up at...

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Are Democrats ditching Grimes in Kentucky Senate race?
Tyler Harber and Chuck Rocha debate whether McConnell is gaining momentum.

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Kentucky now has the most interesting Senate race in the country - Washington Post (blog) Thu, 23 Oct 2014 17:00:31 GMT
International Business Times Kentucky now has the most interesting Senate race in the countryWashington Post (blog)One week after going off the television airwaves in Kentucky, the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee is now back up with ads in th ...
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Kentucky's U.S. Senate race: Coverage roundup: good ... Tue, 14 Oct 2014 10:47:00 -0700
Tuesday, October 14, 2014 ... 'McConnell, 72, has been the narrow favorite in the race, and Monday's debate did not appear to dramatically change that reality,' writes Susan Davis of USA Today. Emily Schultheis of National Journal writes of ...
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I personally favor Alison; but then I would because I'm more Democrat then that 'Other Party.'  Also, I heard Mitch McConnell make a public statement about President Obama, when he first came into office, while on the floor that rang with all the wrong sounds.  'Paraphrased' We have to git rid of 'That Person' that's in charge of our country. He didn't say 'the President' but 'That Person' was referenced as the President.  There is a term for that sort of talk but I won't get into that.